Chill Pill, Please

I wish I knew where I could get one, or two, or ten of these!  I’m currently working on the final edit corrections on the last file of The Lion’s Lair!  I hope to have all the corrections completed by the end of August.  And while I’m pleased to have my second novel almost ready for a September release, all the last minute things are really getting to me!  To say I’m STRESSED is an understatement, for I now know all the little things that must be done after the manuscript is ready.

There will need to be two different formats: one for eBook and another for the print version, and I will  have help with these.  Actually the eBook formatting is pretty straight forward, however, the print version is another story…

A print edition has the potential to be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, but some basic decisions that must be made are: size – 6×9, 5×8, etc., font type and size, line spacing, headers (a different font from the text is an option), margin size, how far down the page to start each new chapter…  The list goes on, but you get the idea.  And, if the author wants to add some real zing to the print version, there are many more choices like: fancy drop caps at the beginning of the chapters and special symbols instead of asterisks at the scene breaks, a formal title page.  While all these options have to be addressed by the author, if one chooses to publish independently, the upside is: the end product is exactly the way I want it to look.

And just look at this new cover by Cayce at Intuitively Artistic Designs, it’s simply gorgeous!

I recently read a blurb from an author that she had to fight to get the cover art changed for her new book because it did not correctly represent the book’s content. (I’m talking about a best-selling author who has written over 12 books!)  When I read things like this, it makes me thankful that I, as an indie author, am able to present to the readers what I believe best represents my novel.  For who knows better, I wrote it!

The clock is ticking and I will start the social networking promotion of The Lion’s Lair soon, so y’all get ready!!!