Okay, I didn’t forget y’all. My job is very demanding during the month of January, but I made it. Thank goodness. Now, on to better things!
This past month I’ve also been spending every spare moment working on a surprise for my readers. This project will be complete in another week, and I can’t wait. Unfortunately, this little surprise has postponed the rewrites on Lion’s Lair. But if you will go take a look, I added to the sneak peek post located on the Sneak Peeks page.
Now that I have opportunities to look out of my office during the daylight hours, I’m discovering that spring seems to be in the air. Mid 60s here today. What happened to winter? A huge flock of Cedar Waxwings and two large flocks of Robins have passed through our area on their way north in the last two weeks. I know this because I park my Prius (not blue) under a tree and the birds must have used it for target practice. Maybe because it’s the smallest car in the lot!
Several of my orchids are blooming. One in particular, that I’ve had for three years, finally decided to bloom. I found the single small bud the first of December which grew larger and larger over the past two months. The bud started opening this past weekend. It took two days, but it was worth the wait! It’s name is Lover and it has a wonderful lilac scent. I think it’s trying to get a head start on Valentine’s Day. It’s the gorgeous one in the center. Aren’t they beautiful!!! And more are on the way… Click on the picture to enlarge.
One Comment
The sight of those orchids has just brightened my day. Thanks so much for sharing!