With the holiday season in full swing, it’s time to post a few recipes that I believe everyone will enjoy. And remember… round is a shape!!! We can worry about those few extra pounds in 2012 with a New Year resolution. For now, just enjoy!
3 C Milk
1/3 C Sugar – granulated
3/4 C Rum
3 Eggs – separated
1 C Whipping Cream
1/4 C Confectioners Sugar
Mix Milk, Egg yolks, Sugar, and Rum together until all the sugar has dissolved.
Beat egg whites until stiff. Whip cream and confectioners sugar together. Fold whipped cream and egg whites together. Then blend the two mixtures together. It takes a little time, but it’s worth it… Once I’ve gotten the two mixtures together, I usually pour it into a clean plastic bottle with a tight lid (a clean milk jug works great) because the mixture tends to separate. Just give the jug a good shaking before pouring. Top with fresh grated nutmeg.
The following is a really old recipe that was handed down from my great great grandma Brodie. It’s kind of like Egg Custard. Here is a link to an 18th century version – Transparent Pudding courtesy of Colonial Williamsburg and Historic Foodways.
1 1/2 C Sugar – white
1/4 lb Butter (1 stick) – Melted
3 Eggs – slightly beaten
6 Tbsp Buttermilk or Whipping Cream
1 tsp. Vanilla
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Melt Butter, add Sugar, Eggs, and Milk. Mix thoroughly. Mixture will be thick. Add Vanilla. Pour into an uncooked crust. (Once again, I use the crusts that you can buy and unroll.)
Place pie in oven and immediately lower the temperature to 350 degrees. Bake for approximately 1 hour. May be served with whipped cream, ice cream, fresh fruit, or it’s great plain…
***A variation to the above recipe is to add –
3/4 C Pecans – coarsely chopped
Also substitute the all white Sugar with
3/4 C Lt. Brown Sugar and 3/4 C White Sugar
Now, after all that sweetness, we need something a little salty. In Seahawk, while my characters were at sea, Jacob sliced pieces off of large hanging smoked hams.
Hickory-Smoked Country Hams are still a favorite Southern tradition… Alas, it is becoming harder and harder to find these authentic Southern smoked meats. A lot of companies have gone to modern chemical injecting instead of staying with the time honored, old-fashioned, traditional, long term smoke methods…
BUT, I have located one company that still prides itself in producing these wonderful hams and more. It is Edwards of Surry, Va. Their site is wonderful, easy to navigate, and even provides ham cooking videos. What more could you ask for? So, please go take a look… They have even developed a Surryano ham that meets & beats Italy’s Prosciutto and Spain’s Serrano.
Every year I purchase one of their genuine Country Hams that is still packed in an old-fashioned burlap bag. All I can say is: YUMMMMM!!! Once you experience the real deal, you’ll never go back. (It would be like going back to dial-up after having high-speed internet.) Yes, they’re that GOOD, so please consider giving them a try…